Annual Charge Conference
The Annual Charge Conference will be held in the Sanctuary on Saturday, October 16, at 11 AM.
Town Hall Meeting – Sunday, October 17, at 11 AM
We will have a town hall meeting about the future of our denomination regarding human sexuality. Rev. Rob Townsend, Director of Connectional Ministries of Pen-Del Conference, will be here to lead the meeting.
Kid’s Church
Kid’s church for ages 6 to 10 will take place every Saturday during church in the Middle and High School Sunday School Rooms.
Sunday School For All Ages
Every Sunday, will be in the Classrooms in the Education Building from 9 – 9:45 AM.
Available for 5-year-olds and younger. Please sign up to help. A sign-up sheet is at the Nursery, or call the church office at 410-742-5334
Christ Youth Student Ministries
We are in week 3 of our better than basic series: Better with God. Erin will be bringing the message on bible verse Psalm 56:11 (NKJV) “In God I have put my trust; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?” Bottom Line: There is no one better than God to guide you through the issues of school life. Each Sunday we meet from 5-7 PM every Sunday in Fellowship Hall for worship, games, snacks, small group and fellowship! All 6th-12th grade students are welcome to join us. If you have any questions please email Brittany and Erin at
Grief Share Small Group
Continues on Tuesdays in the Church Library from 1 PM to 3 PM. Participants are to use the door for the Educational Building at the back of the church.
Adult Bible Study
Sundays in the Education Building from 9 – 9:30 AM studying “Revelation – The Final Curtain”.
Choir Rehearsal
Choir Rehearsal is held Thursday at 7 PM in the Sanctuary.
Sunday Morning Breakfast
Sunday Morning Breakfast is held Sundays at 9 AM in Fellowship Hall.